Apr 20 Apr 20 "She laughed, saying that sand was good for the stomach!" K.L. Webber Culinary Wonderlands
Apr 15 Apr 15 "...lifting the cover she discovered that the precious liquid had all leaked out. " K.L. Webber Thrills of Acquisition
Apr 13 Apr 13 "I had hardly struggled to my feet, when the enemy was upon us, and I was knocked down by a spear." K.L. Webber Conflict
Apr 10 Apr 10 "He was about to give me a third kick, when Mr. Miller turned round and very quietly, without anger, dealt him a scientific blow on the chest." K.L. Webber Perils of the Road
Apr 6 Apr 6 "Births? Why, yes... we had one female on board, who produced three at a birth." K.L. Webber Liminal Zones
Mar 27 Mar 27 "Wise and experienced chief officers never see Mrs. S.’s crates, but young and truculent ones do..." K.L. Webber Sailing & Steaming
Mar 25 Mar 25 WOA Image: "The dark, jagged peaks that closed in the distance were just that rich, deep, incredible ultra-marine blue..." K.L. Webber Alpine Revels
Mar 23 Mar 23 "Several times we had to rush over places where the ice buckled under us." K.L. Webber Traveling by Wheel & Rail
Mar 20 Mar 20 "A young lady, like a great general, is nothing without a proper staff." K.L. Webber Preparation
Mar 18 Mar 18 WOA Image: "The night was so exquisite that I was content to rest without sleeping." K.L. Webber Painting With Words
Mar 16 Mar 16 "My imagination hurries me forward to seek an asylum from all the disappointments I am threatened with." K.L. Webber Impetus for Adventure
Mar 13 Mar 13 "The last year out of England. Mind you all keep well a few months longer." K.L. Webber Returning Home