Women On Adventure is a blog by K.L. Webber exploring our rich shared history of women's adventure writing. This curated collection of quotations showcases the opinions and experiences of influential female travellers in their own words.

"Beyond the valley appeared Sinai, the holy Mount of God."

Meanwhile, as we walked, we arrived at a certain place, where the mountains between which we were passing opened themselves out and formed a great valley, very flat and extremely beautiful; and beyond the valley appeared Sinai, the holy Mount of God. This spot where the mountains opened themselves out is united with the place where are the Graves of Lust. And when we came there those holy guides, who were with us, bade us, saying: 'It is a custom that prayer be offered by those who come hither, when first from this place the Mount of God is seen.'

So then we did. Then, going from that place where we had offered up prayer as we came from Faran, our route was to cross through the middle of the head of the valley, and so wind round to the Mount of God. The mountain itself seems to be single, in the form of a ring; but when you enter the ring [you see that] there are several, the whole range being called the Mount of God.

Sinai, Egypt, circ. 385 A.D.


Source: Saint Silvia, Pilgrimage of S. Silvia of Aquitainia to the Holy Places, circ. 385 A.D.





"Births? Why, yes... we had one female on board, who produced three at a birth."

"See how a false translation spoils a good metaphor!"