Oct 30 Oct 30 "A woman’s wages is one paul and three pagnotte, with wine. " K.L. Webber Other Peoples
Oct 27 Oct 27 "I have a log cabin, raised on six posts, all to myself, with a skunk’s lair underneath it..." K.L. Webber Accomodation
Oct 25 Oct 25 "A saucy thing that repeats two notes only, not unlike the mockbird." K.L. Webber Fauna
Oct 23 Oct 23 "They had all some extraordinary reason why it was impossible for me to accompany them at that particular time." K.L. Webber What A Woman?!
Oct 20 Oct 20 "Behold us setting out in our waggon and eight at nine o’clock in the morning." K.L. Webber Traveling by Wheel & Rail
Oct 18 Oct 18 "It seems very cross to be angry at people being anxious about you, but..." K.L. Webber Liminal Zones
Oct 13 Oct 13 "As he increased his speed we increased ours, till a velocity was attained that no horseman could safely exceed..." K.L. Webber Sporting Coves, Sport
Sep 1 Sep 1 "Both have been conquered by a country speaking another language to their own, and of totally foreign temperament..." K.L. Webber Colonial Gaze
Aug 28 Aug 28 "In short, 'tis the women's coffee-house, where all the news of the town is told..." K.L. Webber Fabulous Daring Darling
Aug 25 Aug 25 "...could discern around us nothing but mountains of lava, while before us rose the huge smoky column..." K.L. Webber Natural Spaces
Aug 23 Aug 23 "Taking his sword from its scabbard, he held the naked blade over me..." K.L. Webber Conflict
Apr 22 Apr 22 "...slew, wounded, embezzled, and roamed about till the present moment, when I place myself at the feet of your most illustrious Lordship." K.L. Webber What A Woman?!
Apr 20 Apr 20 "She laughed, saying that sand was good for the stomach!" K.L. Webber Culinary Wonderlands
Apr 15 Apr 15 "...lifting the cover she discovered that the precious liquid had all leaked out. " K.L. Webber Thrills of Acquisition