Meet Kylie, the chaos behind the words.

Kylie writes hugs and fisticuffs. Stories brimming with heart and heroics — tales of found family, fierce camaraderie, and daring adventures that roam across magical otherworlds and through history.

Kylie is obsessed with her motorbike, scaling cliffs with a revolving gang of friends, tea, gin and books. She founded and runs the press Women on Adventure, which is dedicated to publishing the autobiographical accounts of female explorers and travelers. In her free time, Kylie publishes short stories, microfiction, poetry, and serialised novels. Kylie is a perpetual scribbling machine.

The Fall of Peter Pan

All children grow up—except one. Or so Peter Pan claims. But can Wendy Darling trust him?

Wendy Darling is the unhappy eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Darling. She is being slowly, inevitably pushed towards adulthood and a life that she does not fit.

Peter Pan is the ruler of Neverland, a perilous island stranded between universes. Restless, he roams the many universes, eavesdropping upon the adult world from which he has fled.

They meet, and Wendy bargains with Peter to take her and her brothers away from the adult world forever.

Women on Adventure

Uncovering our rich shared history of autobiographical women’s adventure writing.

Travel with me as I curate excerpts from nearly one hundred works of adventure and exploration by women in history, from the comedic to the terrifying. The women I have rediscovered were kidnapped by pirates, descended into erupting volcanoes, overwintered in the Arctic, fought as soldiers, and rode on horse-trading, archaeological and diplomatic missions through the Middle East.

At times problematic? Indubitably. Vastly interesting and exciting? Absolutely! Let’s explore their legacy together.

A Family Found and Made

It starts when Vivian jumps out of the lounge room window after Sunday lunch, fleeing her controlling family.

It is 1921. Vivian wants freedom from her family and their attempts to force her into a life of their choosing. Alfred is seeking a wife with whom he will never have a physical relationship.

Can they be what one another needs? It will need to be an honest partnership - especially when Vivian meets his bewitching cousin Cora.

Launching MONTH 2025.

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