I am passionate about visual art, photography, and writing, and about the often-obscured lives of historic women. Sharing this fascinating ‘herstory’ is the goal of this website, and The
Adventuresses Club Press, which I founded in 2017 as an electronic imprint to republish autobiographical accounts of female adventurers. My Instagram account @kylwebber features original sketches and photography. I am the host and producer of podcast ‘An Adventure of One’s Own’, which narrates and discusses autobiographical tales of women’s travel and exploration.
Penguin Write It Fellowship - Winner, Portrait of a Childless Couple - ongoing mentorship 2019-2020
‘Obstructive Gaze’, Pride (Seven Deadly Sins Anthology, Book #1), Black Hare Press
‘Narritivising learning’, Savv-e eLearning
‘Spectator Impermanences in Performance Art’ flash fiction, Answers to the Universe in
42 Words Anthology, compiled by B.A. Mullin, publication TBA
‘A Day in the Life of…’, Savv-e eLearning
2019 Lane Cove Captured Photography Awards, Over 17 Age Group Entry category – Exhibited – ‘Life-bringing Autumn Rain’ Kylie Webber (photograph)
Monochrome Awards: International Black and White Photography Contest 2018, Amateur
category, Nude – Honorable Mention – ‘Young Life / Ancient Canyon’ Kylie Webber (photograph)
Captured by Chinese Pirates in Chinese Seas, by Fanny Loviot, trans. Amelia B.
Edwards, foreword K.L. Webber (eBook, Adventuresses Club Press)
Nun Ensign, by Catalina de Erauso, trans. James Fitzmaurice-Kelly, foreword K.L. Webber
(eBook, Adventuresses Club Press)
The Conquest of Mount Cook, by Freda du Faur, foreword K.L. Webber (eBook, Adventuresses Club Press)
‘The River’ flash fiction, North Shore Observer
The Sydney Feminists Literature Resource, The Sydney Feminists
The Sydney Feminists Music Resource, The Sydney Feminists
Short Story 'Obstructive Gaze' shortlist, The Lane Cove Literary Awards 2015: An Anthology
The Sydney Feminists Films & Documentaries Resource, The Sydney Feminists
The Sydney Feminists Tumblrs Resource, The Sydney Feminists
The Sydney Feminists Vlogs Resource, The Sydney Feminists
The Fall of Peter Pan (2014) Available on Amazon.com and Amazon.com.au
The Loaded Brush: collected poetry (2014) Available on Amazon.com and Amazon.com.au
An Adventure of One’s Own Podcast
The Women on Adventure Facebook page
Kylie is a member of the Australian Society of Authors (ASA), Historic Novel Society of Australasia (HNSA), and a former volunteer contributor to The Sydney Feminists.
If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact K.L.