A cheery, good-natured woman of about thirty-five came to offer for sale a little wooden bucketful of fresh milk, asking about three times as much for it as she expected to receive, while we offered as much less in the same proportion as we expected to give, whereupon, as was also the custom, she put it down and seated herself near the fire to enjoy the general conversation. After about an hour she took the bucket up, thereby intimating that we were to complete the bargain, when, lifting the cover she discovered that the precious liquid had all leaked out. Everyone laughed at her and said she deserved the loss as she had asked too much for the milk; in fact she joined heartily in the laugh herself.
Qinghai/Tibet border - Lhasa, Tibetan Autonomous Region, China, 1898
Source: Susie Carson Rijnhart, With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple, Chicago, New York & Toronto: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1901
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