Women On Adventure is a blog by K.L. Webber exploring our rich shared history of women's adventure writing. This curated collection of quotations showcases the opinions and experiences of influential female travellers in their own words.

"Fashion is ephemeral."

Fashion is ephemeral. Taste and public opinion having no corporal identity, are nothing but the passing fancy of a given generation.

Dress to a woman always seems an important matter, and to be well dressed it is necessary to be suitably clothed. Of course breeches, high boots or leggings are essential in riding; but a neatly arranged divided skirt, reaching well below the knee, can be worn over these articles, and the effect produced is anything but inelegant. Of one thing we may be certain, namely, that whenever English women summon up enough courage to ride their horses man fashion again, every London tailor will immediately set himself to design becoming and useful divided skirts for the purpose.


Ethel B. Harley

London, United Kingdom, 1894


Source: Ethel B. Harley (Mrs. Alec Tweedie), A Girl’s Ride in Iceland, London: Horace Cox, Windsow House, Bream’s Buildings, E.C., 1884

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Primary keyword tags (all posts): travel, adventure, quote, quotation, exploration, women traveler, woman, traveler, autobiography, autobiographical, history, historic, 

Fabulous, Daring, Darling, Fashion, Clothing, Jewellery, Jewel, Couture, Travel wear, Fabulous


"The charm of the East is the absence of intellectual life there."

"Are we the same people I wonder when all our surroundings are changed?"